Friday, March 10, 2006

Turns out the Most fun is everything!


Mitchel Kennedy said...

I love those tentacles are really neat. I love the guy with the big blue veins! (cool shape for a head, too). Neat stuff! =]


thanks for the kind comments on my blog. You also have some very good designs on you blog.
Do you work for an animation house in Canada? Man, blogging is cool, you can talk to the whole planet about drawings and animation!!

Keep the great work, dude!!!!!!


Unknown said...

REally fun stuffs!! Can feel the joy of drawings these characters! Great works!

Cal said...

Thanks for dropping by!
These are great drawings,Simple design, but looks very fun!

onemanpunkband said...

fun drawins!! i like.

Unknown said...

Wicked monsters my friend! Thanks for stopping by!

Unknown said...

Great designs!! That chicken looks like hes up to something ;).... these are are so wonderful.

CarolineJarvis said...

Do more cutouts! Love them.....

Is the chicken about to poop? Very comical!

Who was the first guy to say... hey I'm going to eat the first thing that comes out of the chickens butt?

Great job guys!